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My Friend Fear: Finding Magic in the Unknown - de Meera Lee Patel (Author)

Caractéristiques My Friend Fear: Finding Magic in the Unknown

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Le Titre Du LivreMy Friend Fear: Finding Magic in the Unknown
Date de Lancement2018-01-02
TraducteurSulaimaan Lilian
Quantité de Pages955 Pages
La taille du fichier66.90 MB
Langue du LivreAnglais & Français
ÉditeurFandemonium Books
Format de E-BookAMZ PDF ePub ASC RPT
AuteurMeera Lee Patel
Nom de FichierMy-Friend-Fear-Finding-Magic-in-the-Unknown.pdf

Télécharger My Friend Fear: Finding Magic in the Unknown Livre PDF Gratuit

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my biggest fear is basically anything happening to my family im also terrified of anything that crawls esp spiders rejection loosing all my friends my parents divorcing failing at life and tests not getting into a good college right now im afraid of my senior tech lab project haha and im a sophmore ending up alone and never finding my one and only

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Fear that my life will ultimately be pointless that I wont be remembered 5 seconds after Im dead I dont need to win a Nobel prize cure cancer or do anything else of worldly note but I would like to know I havent been a waste of space and oxygen Id like to die eventually without regrets

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